


Marian Abio



July 7, 2023

Top 5 Free AI-Powered Tools for Combating Misinformation and Disinformation

Marian Abio
July 7, 2023
Fact-checking. Photo from Deposit Photos.

In today's digital age, the alarming spread of misinformation and disinformation has become a grave concern.

As information travels at lightning speed through various online platforms, it becomes challenging for internet users to distinguish fact from fiction. This causes dangers such as public distrust in the media, hate speech, and extreme polarization.

Fact-checkers identified Artificial intelligence (AI) as a contributing factor to fake content; however, it also possesses the ability to combat this problem.

How? Through understanding the needs and behaviors of content consumers and creators.

Using Design Thinking to Create Critical Thinkers

Design thinking prompts us to ask critical questions while coming up with solutions for misinformation and disinformation, such as:

  • How might we locate misinformation or disinformation on different platforms?
  • How might we identify creators who produce fake content?
  • How might we design AI tools that help fact-check content?
  • How might we empower content consumers to be critical thinkers?
  • How might we gain the trust of content consumers into using fact-checking AI tools?

Although identifying, tracking, and controlling fake content is difficult, advanced digital technologies like AI have the power to assess various information. By integrating design thinking in utilizing these technologies, we can create user-centric and impactful tools. (Read this guide for design thinking.)

AI Tools Powered with Design Thinking

Here are free AI-powered tools leveraged to tackle misinformation and disinformation and are used by fact-checkers across the globe.


For: Automatically fact-checking claims made by public figures and politicians


An AI tool developed by researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington, it analyzes the language and context of statements to detect potential instances of misinformation.

Top FIBers

For: Identifying highly active and influential purveyors of misinformation

Top FIBers

Developed by the Observatory on Social Media (OSoMe) at Indiana University, it helps expose the sources of fake news on social media through analyzing network dynamics and content engagement.


For: Quick fact-checking


It is an automated and transparent tool that assesses coherence of statements in any content and compares it with other selected media.

Google Fact Check Explorer 

For: Verifying claims in articles

Google Fact Check Explorer

It is a tool developed by Google that analyzes the factual accuracy of claims and provides users with fact-checking information from reputable sources.

Fact Protocol

For: Decentralized fact-checking 

Fact Protocol

By utilizing blockchain technology, it allows collaborative efforts across various fact-checking organizations and individuals. It has a two-factor approach (2FA) to ensure that fact-checks are thoroughly verified.

Full Fact AI

For: Quick fact-checking

Full Fact AI

It assists fact-checkers by identifying potentially false claims and providing relevant evidence and context to support the verification process.


For: Detecting false or misleading advertisements


It can identify deceptive elements and unethical characteristics by analyzing ad content and visuals, protecting consumers from misinformation-driven marketing campaigns.

The Factual

For: Verifying articles 

The Factual

It identifies credible news sources and rates them daily for their informativeness. 

By leveraging the capabilities of AI, we can enhance fact-checking processes, detect manipulated media, and empower users to make informed decisions. But note that AI is not foolproof and requires ongoing refinement. 

At the end of it all, it is essential to support and follow known credible sources to foster a more informed and critical society. Through combining technological advancements, human judgment, and design thinking, we can strive to restore trust in the information we consume.

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